I was feeling experimental this week. It's still a challenge with my wonky eye, but I'm trying to make the best of it. So, if my detail is off, I have a good excuse! If you want to view the tutorial, click HERE.
I used water color pencils (violet, white, & green) for the french manicure part and the flower stem. I used a silver polish liner and acrylic (white & purple) paint for the flower. Have you ever used water colors? Let me know what you think. I had a horrible time trying to do my right hand. I finally realized that the brush I used to do my left hand wasn't sturdy enough for the right hand. I need that rigidness to provide some control. However, I believe in full disclosure, so I posted a picture. I'm sure you all feel my pain in trying to paint your right hand nails. It really is a matter of practice, practice, practice!! I was seriously tempted to make my husband come into the room and learn one stroke so he could do it. Unfortunately, he was not interested in being my secret weapon....sigh.
The right hand....
Super cool flowers!